Monday, June 15, 2009

Ask an Author Week #10: Michele Stegman

Question: What is the "coolest" or most interesting thing that has happened to you since becoming a published author?

Michele Stegman: I was doing a book signing when a little girl about 8 came up to the table. She asked, "Did you write these books?" I said, "Yes!" She looked around the bookstore wide-eyed and asked, "ALL of them?"

Michele Stegman has always loved history. She lives in a 170 year old log cabin, spins, weaves, makes her own soap, but still enjoys the modern conveniences of computers to write her historical and contemporary romances.

Buy Michele's Books 

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  • At 3:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Oh, how cute! Kids are so great!

    Chris Mead

  • At 4:54 AM, Blogger starryann2000 said…

    If you could magically jump into any book, what book would it be and why?

  • At 6:58 AM, Blogger Michele said…

    I have often thought about this! But could never decide just which book I'd like to live through. Could I also chose which character in the book to be? I wouldn't want to chose a pirate book and end up being one of the scurvy pirates!

    Maybe one of the Harry Potter books. But I wouldn't want to be a muggle. And I wouldn't want to meet up with "you know who!"

  • At 8:18 PM, Blogger J K Maze said…

    I bet you'll never forget that comment.

    Having read the comment about what book to jump into, I'd have a problem. I have so many favorites I'd be jumping from one to the other and zoar into the ether someplace.

    Joan K. Maze

  • At 7:24 AM, Blogger Patricia Sargeant said…

    Hi, Michele.

    After your lovely words on my post, I had to stop by to say hello and wish you all the best.

    Big hugs!


  • At 7:10 AM, Blogger Carol L. said…

    Hi Michele,
    That was adorable. Kids can always be counted on for a smile. :)
    Carol L.


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