Ask an Author Week #10: Ingela F. Hyatt
Question: What is the "coolest" or most interesting thing that has happened to you since becoming a published author?
Ingela F. Hyatt: I think there's a tie regarding the coolest thing that's happened to me... First was when I received my "author copies" of A Knight of Passion (copies of your book included in the contract with your publisher). I couldn't believe that the book I was holding in my hands had actually been written by me. It was such a surreal feeling, especially after striving so many years to be published and suffering so many rejections, it was humbling. And the other cool thing, was when I received an email from a reviewer who'd stayed up late to finish reading A Knight of Passion. And instead of going to sleep afterwards, she emailed me saying how much she absolutely loved my book. It was such a thrill to know my book had touched her as deeply as it had me (and yes, she gave me 5 stars and a recommended read). There is nothing like "fan" mail.
He is a desperate prisoner escaped from the dungeons...She is his beautiful and daring captive... Will his passion kill again?
Imprisoned by his look-alike cousin, Lord Reynard de Fauconer escapes with the aid of beautiful Lady Rianna de Termonde, come to marry the imposter Baron Rothwell. Desperate to escape his cousin's wrath, Reynard kidnaps Rianna realizing, though unbeknownst to her, he is her true betrothed, becoming infuriated when she does not recognize him. Racing across England, they fight brigands, hidden foes, and a love so passionate it threatens to destroy them both.
Labels: Ask An Author, Ingela F. Hyatt
At 4:52 AM,
starryann2000 said…
If you could be stranded on a desert island with one of your characters who would it be and why?
At 8:15 PM,
J K Maze said…
What an intriguing plot. As a twin, I seem to gravitate towards stories with one evil, one good twin. I'll put it on my list.
Joan K. Maze
At 7:08 AM,
Carol L. said…
Hi Ingela,
I loved what you said about holding a opy of your first book in your hands after trying for so long. That's a humbling feeling you'll never forget.:)
Carol L.
At 10:01 AM,
Ingela F. Hyatt said…
Greetings starryann,
That is a really good question. Now, do I go with a good lover? Survival skills? Or both? Of course all my heros are good lovers sooo... LOL
Well, Reynard did very well taking care of Rianna on their "misadventure", so he would be a really good choice. But I also have a soft spot for Alexande (he's a rogue from a new series I'm working on).
I can't imagine Alexande having problems surviving a desert island, even though he's from the civilized 18th Century... Hmmm, this is a far more difficult question than I thought. LOL
At 10:08 AM,
Ingela F. Hyatt said…
Greetings Joan,
I'm glad you find A Knight of Passion intriguing. Funny thing, I'm just reading AKOP for the first time now (I wrote it & edited it but I never actually "read" it like I would any other romance novel) and I'm really enjoying it. In fact, it's inspiring me to write Garron's story.
At 10:10 AM,
Ingela F. Hyatt said…
Greetings Carol,
I hope you're enjoying your prizes!
Yes, it was an amazing feeling when I first held A Knight of Passion in my hands. I remember picking it up and looking at it for days after it arrived. But then I'm addicted to books. When I walk into a bookstore, I feel like a kid in a candy shop. LOL
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