Monday, May 18, 2009

Ask an Author Week #6: Nancy Haddock

Question: What genre (if any) have you always dreamed of writing but haven't found the time and/or inspiration to write?

Nancy Haddock: I haven't found the time to write Regencies, and I haven't found the desire to write something very dark. Or I haven't let myself go dark.

Cesca Marinelli is on an afterlife high until a budding stand-up comic, Jo-Jo the Jester, escapes from his Atlanta nest looking for sanctuary. With a psychotic vampire in the wings, and a plague knocking off the country’s head vamps, Cesca must unravel the mystery even it kills her. Again.

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  • At 1:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said…



  • At 8:30 PM, Blogger Edie Ramer said…

    I have the book and I'm so eager to read it. It's next in my TBR pile!

  • At 7:03 AM, Blogger CatherineKean said…

    Hi Nancy! :)

    Your book sounds terrific. :) I hope you do write a Regency and try writing something "dark." I'm sure you'd come up with fabulous stories.

  • At 7:44 AM, Blogger Neringa said…

    Absolutely loved the first book introducing Cesca, truly looking forward to reading this new one.

  • At 10:33 AM, Blogger Caroline said…

    Looks an exciting book!

    As a newbie author I'm currently writing historical's but I would like to try my hand at a futuristic novel. Take care. Caroline x

  • At 12:52 PM, Blogger Caffey said…

    I'm a reader, I don't write but I love reading just about anything in romance! I hope you get to write a regency Nancy! Even putting the Regency and dark together!

  • At 5:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Do you see yourself writing any historicals in the future! I love any type of historical.

  • At 3:25 AM, Blogger Carol L. said…

    Hi Nancy,
    I love regencies, the Georgian era, all historical romance. :)
    Write and I'll read it. lol
    Carol L.

  • At 7:05 PM, Blogger annalisa said…

    Hi Nancy!

    I enjoyed the first book and Last Vampire Standing looks great too. I'm going to have to read it real soon!

    Have you ever thought of writing a vampire regency novel? If you wrote one, I'd read it since I like both vamps and regencies! :)


  • At 7:32 AM, Blogger Nancy said…

    Hello! Please forgive my very tardy check in!

    Val, thank you for your comment! If you try my work, I hope you'll enjoy it!

    Edie and Neringa, thank you for stopping by! I hope Cesca's new adventure will be a fun read for you both!

    Catherine, thanks for your encouragement to try something out of my "box." I'm dipping my toe in dark and Regency, but only a bit. :)

    Oooh, Caroline! Switching from historicals to futuristics could be LOTS of fun! Go for it!!

    I'll be back more responses in a moment! Have a safe Memorial Day weekend, everyone!


  • At 7:43 AM, Blogger Nancy said…

    Caffey, hi! Hmmm. Putting dark and Regency together. I've read other authors who are doing it so well, I'd want to be on sure ground to attempt it. Thank you for the encouragement to give it a shot! And, Caffey, I hope you can love every book you read!

    Virginia and Carol, I adore historicals, too! I am working on a time travel idea, but will have to see if the concept will hold together. This writing gig isn't a cake walk. :)

    Annalisa, I'm so tickled that you enjoyed La Vida. If you give Last Vampire a try, I hope you'll have fun with it, too! The name of the author who is writing Regency vampires is escaping me, but it sure would be a kick to write! One never knows!

    Happy weekend!


  • At 9:10 PM, Blogger Kytaira said…

    I think you need to follow your *muse*. If you don't have the desire to go dark - don't. I would love it if you did find the time to do a regency though.


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