Question: What genre (if any) have you always dreamed of writing but haven't found the time and/or inspiration to write?
Jacquie Rogers: I write anything I want, which is humor of some sort.

I'm a former software designer, campaign manager, deli clerk, and cow milker, but always a bookworm. I've been writing fiction for nearly 10 years, and have several completed novel-length manuscripts in the western historical and futuristic romance genres. My current release is a short contemporary novel, Down Home Ever Lovin' Mule Blues (trade paperback). Before that, Faery Special Romances was released: 10 stories in 10 time periods. Royalties go to Children Tumor Foundation:
http://www.ctf.orgVisit Jacquie's Website
Labels: Ask An Author, Jacquie Rogers
At 10:56 AM,
LuAnn said…
I'm envious of those who can write humor. When I try, it always sounds cheesy!
At 3:49 AM,
Jacquie Rogers said…
LuAnn, when I write drama, it always sounds cheesy. LOL. Truth is, I never set out to write humor. I'm my own straight man--just never works out that way.
At 2:59 PM,
Caffey said…
Hi Jacquie! How's Rita and Brody? I found that humor in parts with your characters, especially Socrates!
At 4:00 PM,
Jacquie Rogers said…
Rita is never funny--she's an actuary, a thinker, and goal-oriented. I think that's what makes her so funny, because between Brody, Socrates, Perseus, and Guinevere, they just don't allow Rita to take herself so serious whether she wants to (which she does) or not.
Brody isn't so much funny, but he's definitely a charmer and not past making a joke or two to get what he wants. In this case, he want's Rita, but she has him all tied up in knots.
Socrates, well, he's a philospher, and a rather indignant one, at that. His physical limitations force him into employing desperate measures to reach his goal.
Personally, I think the funniest character is Guinevere the skunk. And she's the bravest, too, since she had to do things that really intimidated her, but she did them anyway. I rather like the fan mail glitter scene. Guinevere played Rita for all she's worth. Was great fun.
Thanks, Caffey, for embracing these characters. I love them still, even though I've written several stories since this one. But Down Home Ever Lovin' Mule Blues does own a piece of my heart, and I hope it gives enjoyment to others, as well.
At 4:23 AM,
Carol L. said…
Hi Jacquie,
Have to read your Down Home Ever Lovin Mule Blues. Love the name. :)
Carol L.
At 4:23 AM,
Carol L. said…
Hi Jacquie,
Have to read your Down Home Ever Lovin Mule Blues. Love the name. :)
Carol L.
At 1:44 PM,
Jacquie Rogers said…
Carol L., I had the worst time naming this book. Actually, I never could come up with a decent name--was called The Matchmaking Mule for a long time (working title). But then Deborah Macgillivray thought of Down Home Ever Lovin' Mule Blues, which I loved but thought was too long. She was designing the cover, so I told her if she could get that whole title in there and it still be readable, I was all for it. Turns out, I love the title and the cover. And then, since we were in music mode by that time, Justin Saragueta whose debut CD is coming out any day now, wrote and performed the theme song for the book video. Wowsers! So I was very lucky to have such talented people around me.
At 10:43 PM,
Kytaira said…
I haven't read any of your books but really love your sense of humour. I was at your website reading your bio, LOVE the story about you and your hubby and the pool!
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