Ask An Author Week #1: Michele Stegman
Question: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have three books with which to read for five years, which three books would you take and why?
Michele Stegman: The Bible, for consolation. The Complete Works of Shakespeare--There is a lot there to read and it can be read over and over. An anthology of poetry--I love poetry and if it is an anthology there would be a lot of it from several authors.
Labels: Ask An Author, Michele Stegman
At 9:23 AM,
robynl said…
hi Michele and welcome; is there a time in history that is your favorite or do you love all periods equally? Thanks.
Your Contemporary romance looks intriquing.
At 11:06 AM,
Unknown said…
I would take my Riverside Chaucer, the French Vulgate cycle of Arthurian romance (LOTS of volumes!) and the complete Anglo-Saxon Poetic records housed in 6 volumes. I guess you can guess what my favorite period is. :-) When it comes to romance, however, I enjoy not only medieval historical romance but also many other subgenres. Merri
At 12:22 AM,
Arcanespeace said…
your book looks awesome cant wait to read it i have to say as a reader i think if i had to chose 3 books that i had to read for 5 yrs id have to pick
carnal innocence nora roberts
The magic Knot by Helen scott taylor
and the complete works of edger alan poe
At 10:03 AM,
housemouse88 said…
Hi Michele,
Like the idea of bringing the Bible. I'm not sure about the poetry. Not my thing. Have a great day.
At 12:50 PM,
Babyblue22 said…
Hey Michele!!
I think The Bible and Shakespeare are definitely the must have's on a deserted island. Quite a few of the other authors agree that also.
My absolute favorite romances are Historical one. so I'm looking forward to checking out your books.
At 11:12 PM,
Kira said…
Someone asked me this question once and I couldn't think of any answers that seemed good enough. Shakespeare is a great choice because you can read it over and over and get different impressions, plus it's beautiful to read.
At 6:58 PM,
Michele said…
Robynl asked which time period I preferred.
I just love history. At one point I had a real love of the French Revolution and American Revolution. I worked on Middle Minoan II for a master's degree. That's ancient Crete.
I love Roman times, too, but was also fascinated by some of the Summarian cultures. I love the early Middle Ages, esp. in Britain, and the Conquest period. I have a book coming out dealing with the Conquest of England--and it is really different! The hero is not a big, brash, conquering Norman. He's a Saxon! I started writing a Scottish book because I love that time and place, too. But I may never finish it if I can't find a twist to make it different. I love the American colonial period and of course PIRATES.
One thing I noticed about pirate stories is that the Spanish are almost always the bad guys. Since I enjoy going against the grain, I wanted to write a historical romance with an Hispanic hero. Fortune's Foe is the result of that effort. She's English, he's Spanish, and the two countries are at war.
I spent two months in India some years ago and have been fascinated with the history of India and China, too. Lots of material there for good stories.
At 3:00 PM,
Estella said…
How do you find time to write with all the other things you do?
At 7:52 AM,
Michele said…
Estella asked how I find time to write with all the other things I do.
Writing has to be the priority. It gets done first. Sometimes I go in spurts. For days all I do is spin with my spinning wheel, or weave, or tat, or paint. But those are all hobbies. Writing is my career.
People tell me so often that they'd like to write but they just don't have the time. I think we can find the time to do the things that are really important to us. Even if it is just a few minutes at a time. It just has to come first.
At 9:34 PM,
Martha Eskuchen said…
Hi Michele - I am very impressed by the crafts that you do! Plus writing. How wonderful! Are the crafts for hobby? Good book choices too.
At 8:35 PM,
Michele said…
Yes, Martha, all those crafts are just hobbies. Although I have sold some of my artwork, some things I've woven, homemade soap, baked goods (bread, crackers), and a lot of my rubber stamped things. I've done some commissioned pieces, too.
I have also done spinning and weaving demonstrations at county and state fairs and once did a three hour class at Ball State U.
Basically, I just love to learn new things and make things from scratch. I've tried making my own mayonnaise and ketchup (both pretty good), and bake and cook from scratch. I probably make bread 2-3 times a weeks.
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