Ask An Author Week #1: Patti Shenberger
Question: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have three books with which to read for five years, which three books would you take and why?
Patti Shenberger: I would take along My Life Uncovered by Lynn Isenberg. I love her book. It's the story of a woman who writes romance but can't get it sold for all the tea in China. So she decides to sell her manuscripts to the porn industry and they become huge best selling films. It's light hearted and funny as well. The next book I would take would be anything by Jude Deveraux. I have read all her books to date, and always will. The third... Ok this is getting harder cause three really isn't anywhere close to enough. Hmm, all right, it would be The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot. I really enjoy her writing and love her series of books.
Labels: Ask An Author, Patti Shenberger
At 9:30 AM,
robynl said…
hi and welcome Patti; you must be a kindred spirit as you have fur babies also. So glad to see a new to me author.
At 12:29 AM,
Arcanespeace said…
I havent heard of you till recently and i cant wait to read your work and ty for coming here and telling a little about ur self i love Jude Deveraux.
At 11:28 AM,
Patti Shenberger said…
Thanks Robyn, I hope you enjoy my books. Please drop me a note and let me know what you think.
At 11:30 AM,
Patti Shenberger said…
Hey there Arcanespeace, thanks so much for the comment. Jude Deveraux is always on my TBR list. Every time a book of hers comes out, I'm there. I hope you enjoy my books as well and thanks for stopping by!
At 12:43 PM,
Babyblue22 said…
Hey Patti,
I was wondering how you balance it all out? The writting, Husband, Children and pets?
You must be very good at Multitasking.
At 12:53 PM,
Patti Shenberger said…
I wish I were good at balancing Afshan. Luckily the kids are grown and out of the house, hubby works retail so I'm alone most of the time and the animals are better behaved than the rest of the brood (G). Seriously though, I think it all comes down to me being a Type A personality. Everything has a place, everything better be in its place, or I ain't happy. And with everyone gone, it makes it very easy to write. That's the best part.
At 9:41 AM,
Maryanne said…
Hi Patti. My Life Uncovered sounds like a fun book. I'll have to check it out.
At 9:44 AM,
Patti Shenberger said…
Maaryanne, if you are a writer you will totally feel for the author and her life. If you're a reader, you will love the book as well.
At 2:56 PM,
Estella said…
You are a new to me author. Am looking forward to reading your work.
At 3:10 PM,
Patti Shenberger said…
Thanks Estella, I appreciate your taking a chance on me. Please let me know how you like my books. Have a great week!
At 3:40 PM,
Martha Eskuchen said…
Hi Patti! I would have such a hard time picking only 3 books! I have collected all of Jude Deveraux books too and am still reading trough them
The Laird's Lady sounds good! I love historical romance and time travel.
At 5:53 PM,
Patti Shenberger said…
Martha, isn't it the truth. Only being limited to 3 is extremely hard. I'm waiting for Jude's newest one right now. If you do pick up The Laird's Lady, I hope you love it.
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