Ask An Author Week #1: Carrie Lofty
Question: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have three books with which to read for five years, which three books would you take and why?
Carrie Lofty: The first two would be Atonement by Ian McEwan and The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, because they are two of my all-time favorite novels. They're both intensely powerful, which means I've only read them once each, so a five year stint on a desert island would give me the chance to really indulge in re-reading and soaking in the brilliance. But then, because they're both such immense downers, I'd have to have a romance for my happy ending fix. I'd take Whispers of Heaven by Candice Proctor, which is set in 19th century Tasmania. It's a thick, meaty, gorgeous and complex historical that would last me for years.
Labels: Ask An Author, Carrie Lofty
At 12:43 AM,
Arcanespeace said…
kindred souls or something pretty cool i grew up in indiana graduated froma small highschool in a small town called butler i was born on the east coast i havent read your books all the way threw but i cant wait what is one thing you liked about indiana
At 10:51 AM,
Babyblue22 said…
Hey Carrie!!
Sounds like a true love story. She travels to England and finds the man of her dreams, It doesn't get much better than that.
At 11:33 AM,
Carrie Lofty said…
Arcanespeace: Where I grew up in Indiana is just like every other place in the Midwest. It doesn't look like much from the outside, but the people you come to love make it special. When I think back to football games on Friday nights or thunderstorms or auctions on an Amish farm, I think of the friends and family who were there with me. It's such a part of my childhood and a part of me.
Afshan: Yes, a real life love story. We'd only been dating for three months while I was studying in England. I had to return to Ohio to finish my degree, which meant we faced a choice. We could either never see each other again--knowing a transatlantic relationship would never work--or get married. Twelve years later, we're still going strong!
At 2:48 PM,
Estella said…
What was your field of study in England?
At 4:00 PM,
Carrie Lofty said…
I spent my junior year abroad and studied English lit (classes on Austen, modern poetry, Chaucer) and history (English Civil War and Imperial Russia). They fit right in with my major at home, which was great! No classes (or credits) wasted.
At 4:12 PM,
Martha Eskuchen said…
Hi Carrie! I listened to The Time Traveler's Wife on Audible and really enjoyed it! When I saw you here I was reminded that I haven't sent you my review for What a Scoundrel Wants! I really did enjoy that! Thanks for a good read! Look for my e-mail soon as I will send the review.
At 9:49 PM,
M. said…
wandered over from unusual historicals - never read any of those, but wonder if you're happy or not about casting for the niffenegger book? we canadians love rachel macadams, of course, but eric bana whom i loved madly in troy has been disappointing me of late...
At 7:08 AM,
Carrie Lofty said…
I adore Rachel McAdams, but I've never been partial to Eric Bana. I think in TROY it was about the character he played, not him. I would've loved to see someone like James McAvoy, because he's fairly high on my current crush list. :)
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