Ask An Author Week #1: Nancy Haddock
Question: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have three books with which to read for five years, which three books would you take and why?
Nancy Haddock: I wouldn't survive 5 years with 3 books. No way. However, if push came to shove, my choices might be any of Jim Butcher's Dresden Files novels, THE MOON-SPINNERS by Mary Stewart, and ...YIKES. Don't make me go with only 3 books, pleeeease!!! (Unless you put some very hunky and interesting hunk of the island with me!)
Labels: Ask An Author, Nancy Haddock
At 7:38 AM,
Neringa said…
Morning, Nancy!
This is quite a lineup on Ingela's blog-- and I 'm with you, only three books in 5 years? I guess we would have to write furiously so we would have something to read. :-)
I am soooo looking forward to Cesca's new adventure.
At 5:27 PM,
Misty Evans said…
Nancy, I'm with you. I couldn't pick only three books! Probably if I was stranded on an island, I'd need a survival guide. LOL.
So what books have influenced you the most as a reader? As a writer?
At 1:00 AM,
Arcanespeace said…
great question misty
and i have to say nancy i havent read your books yet but im working my way to them and i cant wait id like to know who has influanced you in ur life personal and professional
At 9:40 AM,
Babyblue22 said…
Hey Nancy!! I'm with you too!
Three books is no where near enough for five years. I'd most likely read all 3 back to back in the first 24 hours lol.
How many books do you think you'd need to last you five years??
At 10:06 AM,
Nancy said…
Hi All! Thank you for taking your time to stop by and comment!
Misty, I think every book I've read has influenced me, both as a reader and a writer. They've all made me strive to tell a good story, and so very many have taught me about the world, other cultures and myself. And, of course, the joys of imagination! THE GOOD EARTH is one book I read when I was fairly young, and I remember agonizing with the main female character.
Arcanespeace, if you get to my books, I hope you'll enjoy them. This may sound like a copout, but there is a whole cast of people I credit for influencing my life. Parents, friends, fabulous writers, professors. One audiology prof in particular taught me a simple phrase: Educate me about that. I love to ask people to educate me about the things they know and do.
Afshan, I'm with you! I can read 2-3 books a day when I'm not deep in writing mode. So, hmmm, let's say I don't get to have a laptop and unlimited power source on the island. Two books a day times 365 days times times five years equals over 3600 books! I'd need a really well-stocked library on that island!
If I were ever to be on Survivor or any of those adventure game shows, I'd drop out simply because it would cut into my reading time! Never mind my writing time!
Have a wonderful rest of the week, and thank you again for commenting!
At 2:37 PM,
Estella said…
I'm with you---3 books wouldn't cut it.
At 11:07 AM,
donnas said…
I agree with your I dont know if I could survive with only 3 books.
At 11:26 AM,
Nancy said…
Estella and donnas, grins on the book number! How about you? How many books might keep you happy for 5 years?
Thank you for stopping by!
At 3:01 PM,
Cinnamon said…
No kidding, right?! There'd have to be some sort of other distraction if one could only have three books. Perhaps 3 books...and a laptop with unlimited ebook downloads! Ha!
My question: What made you want to read the last book that you read?
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