Ask An Author Week #1: Elizabeth Sinclair
Question: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have three books with which to read for five years, which three books would you take and why?
Elizabeth Sinclair: I picked these books because to me they're timeless and ones that I find myself reading over and over.
Upon A Mystic Tide -- Vicki Hinze
On Mystic Lake -- Kristin Hannah
Magic Hour --Kristin Hannah
I’ve written over a dozen novels for Harlequin/Silhouette, Kensington, and Medallion Press. My husband and I live in St. Augustine, FL with our two “furry children” -- Ripley, a collie, and Lily, a Golden Retriever. Current releases – Angel Unaware and Burning Secrets. Upcoming release – Garden of the Moon 12/10.
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Labels: Ask An Author, Elizabeth Sinclair
At 9:26 AM,
robynl said…
hi and welcome Elizabeth; we had to put our 'fur baby' down a few months ago at the age of 14(we had him 11 of those yrs.) and we miss him so much. Are your furry children shadows of you? Ours was as he slept on the bed and he was next to me whenever I sat down and he followed me around the house. He loved his car rides also. Are yours like this? Thanks.
At 12:26 AM,
Arcanespeace said…
welcome Elizabeth great picks for your books i have to say i used to have an animal that was amini me even slept on my bed the same position i do was too cute i had to unfortunatly give her away due to the fact we had to move was kinda sad my question to you is when writing about anything do u picture the charactors in your head or are they based of people you already know
At 12:18 PM,
Elizabeth Sinclair said…
Hi all, sorry I'm tardy getting back to you all, but life has a way of interferring with my best laid plans. I have two furry kids, a Golden Retriever (a gift) named Miss Lily, and a Collie named Ripley after my current heroine. They are without a doubt a huge part of my life. They attach to my hip first thing every morning and detach (sort of) every night. We can't let them sleep with us as there would be no room for my husband and I. But they are the loves of my life. Lily won't walk on a leash. She's afraid of it. Ripley hates cars.
At 12:25 PM,
Elizabeth Sinclair said…
Hi Arcanespeace! Bless you. I don't know how you gave your dog up. I could neevr part with my babaies. My husband says I'd send him packing before I'm send away the dogs. LOL
To answer your question . . . When I write, I see the charcters vividly and the whole sceen taking place in my mind as I put it down on the computer screen. It's like a movie. I interpret what I "see" into words. I was asked if I base my characters on people I know by someone esle recently. No, not consciously. I do take bits and pieces of personalities from some of them, but the characters themselves are original.
At 12:46 PM,
Babyblue22 said…
Hey Elizabeth!
I haven't read any of your books, but they sound good and i'm definitely going to pick a few up.
By the good book choices!
At 2:58 PM,
Estella said…
I enjoy your books.
At 3:36 PM,
Martha Eskuchen said…
Hi Elizabeth! I haven't read Vicki Hinze in a while but your picks reminded me that I do like her books! and Kristin Hannah is good too of course! I will have to check out your books to see if I have read any of them... Do you write a particlar genre or several?
At 9:22 AM,
Elizabeth Sinclair said…
Babyblue -- Hope you like my books. Thanks for trying them.
At 9:30 AM,
Elizabeth Sinclair said…
Martha -- Vicki has a new release coming out in April, KILL ZONE. It's the last book in the series she started with Bombshell, but is coming out through Medallion Press.
I write romantic suspense for Silhouette RS and light paranormals for Medallion Press. Right now, I'm writing my first straight thriller, HELL BENT, for Medallion under the pseudonym TL Abbott, which will be released 12/2010. My next paranormal, GARDEN OF THE MOON, will be out 12/2009. There's a blurb for this one on my website
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