Ask an Author Week #10: Carrie Lofty
Question: What is the "coolest" or most interesting thing that has happened to you since becoming a published author?
Carrie Lofty: I had a book signing at my local RWA chapter (Chicago North) in December when What a Scoundrel Wants was released. Here are women I've been friends with for years lining up for me to sign their copies. That really freaked me out, in the best way. Their support and enthusiasm for my success really touched me, and I certainly never thought I'd have people queuing up.
Born in California, raised in Indiana, Carrie found the love of her life in England. What a Scoundrel Wants, the hot, adventurous tale of Will Scarlet and his dangerous lady love, was a 12/08 Zebra Debut. Scoundrel’s Kiss will follow in 01/10, featuring a warrior monk and an opium addict.
Labels: Ask An Author, Carrie Lofty
At 2:54 PM,
Unknown said…
Carrie, That is so cool that you had so much support from all of your friends! Congrats on the debut of your novel!
Chris Mead
At 4:47 AM,
starryann2000 said…
If you could meet any one character from any book ever written who would it be and why?
At 8:05 PM,
J K Maze said…
It's wonderful to get such support. A debut is special, amd something to be cherished. I had a similar experience with my first book and it chased away all the doubts.
Do you live in Chicago? I was raised there on the northwest side and in Barrington, Illinois
Joan K Maze
At 6:59 AM,
Carol L. said…
Hi Carrie,
That's really nice to have people you've known show up and support you like that. Especially at your debut. Much success on your book Carrie.
Carol L.
At 9:01 PM,
Unknown said…
Hi Carrie, I have read your book and its a fantastic read! I think it would have to be cool to have your friends and authors all want your autograph!
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