Monday, April 20, 2009

Ask An Author Week #2: Carrie Lofty

Question: If you could travel back in time for a month long vacation, which Era would you visit and why?

Carrie Lofty: I'd go back to the Edwardian/Gilded Age because it stands on the cusp of modernity, without the radical atrocities yet to come in the 20th century. That sort of unbridled admiration for modernity, new thinking, progressive ideals, and technology would be interesting to see first hand, although somewhat quaint too. Everything they would've been so proud of and so scared of would pale compared to what we know about the trials they had yet to face and the wonders yet to come.

Born in California, raised in Indiana, Carrie found the love of her life in England. What a Scoundrel Wants, the hot, adventurous tale of Will Scarlet and his dangerous lady love, was a 12/08 Zebra Debut. Scoundrel’s Kiss will follow in 01/10, featuring a warrior monk and an opium addict. 

Visit Carrie's Website 

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  • At 11:22 AM, Blogger Margaret West said…

    The Edwardian era facinates me too. I love the romatic flair of the clothes and the fact they were all hand made and individual. I think I was born out of time lol

  • At 6:47 PM, Blogger starryann2000 said…

    Interesting answer. I have a question if you could meet a historical figure who would it be and why?

  • At 1:27 PM, Blogger Carrie Lofty said…


    I'd want to meet Abraham Lincoln because he stands as such an amazing bastion of strength and goodness in a troubled time for America. I'd love to see what sort of person he really was, behind the history. In the end, thought, I'd only get to say that I met him--because I don't know what I'd say! Same with William Shakespeare and Beethoven, two artists whose work I admire most. I'd be a seriously tongue-tied mess.

  • At 3:43 PM, Blogger Babyblue22 said…

    I think your right on that carrie it would be interesting to be back then, yet know what was to come. Do you think it would be any harder to be facinated by the new discovery when you already know the outcome?

  • At 8:59 AM, Blogger Me :) said…

    Great answer

  • At 1:54 PM, Blogger Tee said…

    I really have no clue what era I would like to live in other than the Laura Ingalls time. It seem as if things were so much simpler than and less stress. But I am looking at the program we would watch each week.

  • At 5:24 AM, Blogger Liyana said…

    If you could have a conversation with anyone that's dead now, who would it be?


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