Monday, June 01, 2009

Ask an Author Week #8: Anna Kathryn Lanier

Question: If you could meet any mythological or legendary creature/person, who would they be and why?

Anna Kathryn Lanier: This is a tough question, because I haven't really thought of it before and I'm trying to think....who? Maybe one f the Greek gods, Hercules, (Oh, I hope he's a Greek god and not a Roman). I was very interested in mythology in high school, but got away from it. But how interesting to talk about what it's like being a god.

Anna Kathryn started writing in high school, and was finally published when her own daughters were in high school. She has a special place for historical romances, but also writes contemporary, mostly set in the American West.  

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  • At 10:31 PM, Blogger Carol L. said…

    Hi Anna,
    Hercules would be an interesting person to meet. I remember seeing Hercules on tv when I was very much younger played by an actor called Steve Reeves. I hope that was him. But he was beautiful in that role.
    Carol L.


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