Monday, June 15, 2009

Ask an Author Week #10: Michele Dunaway

Question: What is your favorite "guilty" pleasure and why?

Michele Dunaway: Getting to write Hart's Victory, my December 2007 Harlequin NASCAR release, and getting to go behind the scenes at Roush-Fenway racing. Meeting the drivers was also fun.

Best selling author Michele Dunaway writes about love, American Style, for Harlequin American Romance. Her current book, her twentieth, is Twins for the Teacher, a March 2009 release. Bachelor CEO follows in July.

Visit Michele's Blog

Visit Michele's Publisher

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  • At 3:24 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    That does sound like a lot of fun!
    Best Wishes,
    Chris Mead

  • At 5:07 AM, Blogger starryann2000 said…

    How has life influenced your writing?

  • At 7:45 AM, Blogger Michele Dunaway said…

    Thanks Chris! There are photos on my facebook page. You can access them here:

    Starryann, life always influences writing. While you don't have to commit murder to write about one, as the adage goes, the emotions we have from our various experiences are what I am able to channel. Writing is like acting in that way. You have to get into the character's heads to write them.


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