Monday, May 25, 2009

Ask an Author Week #7: Carrie Lofty

Question: If you could meet any author in the world (dead or alive) who would it be and why?

Carrie Lofty: Shakespeare among the dead folks because--c'mon! The Bard! We might need a translator and he'd probably be a complete git, but it'd be fun. Among the living, I'd go with Ian McEwan because his work inspires me, frightens me, and makes me think I'll never ever be good enough. I love that humbling experience, and I'd love to talk with him about his perspective on being a creative person.

Born in California, raised in Indiana, Carrie found the love of her life in England. What a Scoundrel Wants, the hot, adventurous tale of Will Scarlet and his dangerous lady love, was a 12/08 Zebra Debut. Scoundrel’s Kiss will follow in 01/10, featuring a warrior monk and an opium addict. 

Visit Carrie's Website 

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  • At 4:41 PM, Blogger Maggi Andersen said…

    Hi Carrie, I absolutely agree with you! It would be wonderful to meet the Bard. The first thing I'd ask him is, "Did you really write all the Shakespearian works?"

  • At 5:38 AM, Blogger Carrie Lofty said…

    Hi Maggi,

    Wouldn't that be a controversial question? I imagine him being very clever and completely avoiding a serious answer :)

    Thanks for stopping by this week!



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