Monday, May 11, 2009

Ask An Author Week #5: Roxanne Snopek/RG Willems

Question: What is your favorite Season to write in and why? 

Roxanne Snopek/RG Willems: My first mystery, set in Saskatchewan, takes place mostly in winter. Cold, cold, and more cold. As anyone from the prairies knows, if there's nothing else to talk about, the weather is always worth a conversation. It's just so darn interesting! In a matter of months, you can experience snowblindness, frostbite, sunburn and heat stroke. The second book in the series (to be released) takes place during summer, and I've been told that the scorching weather is so real, it's like another character. The relentless, can't-sleep, don't-touch-me, day-after-day heat is like a match to any tinder in a relationship. Perfect for a writer! So, any season works for me, as long as there's some wild weather!

Roxanne (RG Willems) Snopek, author of Targets of Affection, a Shelby James veterinary mystery, has been writing professionally since 1989, when her first article was published in a community paper. Since then, she's had over 150 articles and essays published in a variety of magazines, newspapers, newsletters and journals. 

Visit Roxane's website

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  • At 5:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    If you want wild weather, head on over to KY, it's crazy there. That's why I have settled in SC where now we only deal with tornados

  • At 1:42 PM, Blogger kansassweet43 said…

    Well I live in the prarie and we do talk about all the crazy weather we have. There is a saying that if you don't like the weather in Kansas, wait until tomorrow and it will be different. LOL It has been a wild spring here, one day in the 40s and the next day in the 60s.

  • At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    BRRRR.... I think I will stay where I'm at. LOL


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