Monday, May 04, 2009

Ask an Author Week #4: Donna Alward

Question: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Donna Alward: Europe. I know. It’s a continent. But I want to travel through the UK, as well as France, Italy, Spain, some parts of Germany…I’m hoping we get to start doing that soon. My critique partner lives in England and traveling in Europe is so much easier when you’re not an ocean away. Her last 2 trips have been to Sorrento and Venice. I keep the pictures and dream.

Donna Alward is an award-winning Canadian author for Harlequin Romance. Her next release is HIRED: THE ITALIAN’S BRIDE, available in June 2009. You can catch up with her on her site ( or blog ( ).  

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  • At 4:03 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I'm coming to Europe with you! Your book looks really good and I love the cover!


  • At 3:31 AM, Blogger Donna Alward said…

    Thanks Val!

  • At 8:09 AM, Blogger Helena said…

    Hope you don't think of me as a stalker :) but I just follow all the links you provide.

    Love your travel pick(s) -- for some reason, I'd pass on all the beaches in the South Pacific or the Caribbean to travel again to the UK and continental Europe. So romantic. I was in England and Scotland two years ago, decided to pass on another trip this year, but hope to go again in a couple of years.

    Keep your passports current!


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