Ask An Author Week #3: Donna Alward
Question: If you could meet anyone of your characters in person, who would it be and why?
Donna Alward: Mike Gardner from Marriage at Circle M. I would like to meet him just so I could hear him speak and smile his lazy smile at me.
Donna Alward is an award-winning Canadian author for Harlequin Romance. Her next release is HIRED: THE ITALIAN’S BRIDE, available in June 2009. You can catch up with her on her site ( or blog ( ).
Labels: Ask An Author, Donna Alward
At 6:29 PM,
She said…
I'm not an author but if I could meet a character from a book it would be Anita Blake from Laurell K. Hamilton's series. She is a kick-ass vampire hunter but she is also one sexy and sensual woman who satisfies herself. It was be an awesome conversation.
At 11:11 AM,
Caroline said…
If I were answering this question I would love to meet Mr Darcy. Could you imagine what that would feel like! Take care - Caroline x
At 2:59 PM,
Tami Winbush said…
You have to love the lazy smile of a sexy man! Whoo hoo!
tami.winbush @
At 2:28 AM,
Carol L. said…
Hi Donna,
I look forward to June, so I can pick up Hired. :)
Carol L.
At 4:39 AM,
Donna Alward said…
I think we all have in common characters that stand out for one reason or another. But Tami - too right, girlfriend. Lazy smiles will put me into automatic meltdown. When I wrote those first lines of Marriage at Circle M, I knew exactly how Grace felt seeing Mike come up the walk. IN TROUBLE. LOL!
Carol - I hope you enjoy Hired: The Italian's Bride! I have a real soft spot for the heroine in this one.
At 7:40 AM,
robynl said…
hi to a fellow Canadian; smiles indeed are a turn-on for many me included. We had snow and rain again-is spring coming as in the weather!!!
At 2:12 PM,
Unknown said…
sookie, but the one from the book, not the show
At 10:15 PM,
Babyblue22 said…
Hey Donna,
~SIGH~ You Had Me At Lazy Smile!!
At 9:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mike sounds like a very special guy. Congrats on the awards that the story won. Others think he's pretty special too. Can't wait to read it.
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