Ask An Author Week #2: Ingela F. Hyatt
Question: If you could travel back in time for a month long vacation, which Era would you visit and why?
Ingela F. Hyatt: I think it's hard for me to pick just one Era as there are so MANY I'd like to visit. It would be a toss up between Ancient Egypt, Ancient Germanic/Teutonic Europe, and Georgian England. Why? I've always been fascinated with Ancient Egypt. It's as if the Pharaohs call to my soul from their ancient tombs. I find the culture, the history amazing and hope to write a series of novels based there one day. The reason for Ancient Germanic/Teutonic Europe is because of my fascination with their Gods, their Myths and their culture. So many things which we, in our modern lives, take for granted (such as equal rights for women, and laws) originally came from that time, and I'd really like to see it firsthand. Lastly, I'd like to visit the Georgian Era because it was an amazing time for England, which is where/when the current series I'm writing takes place. It was on the cusp of the Industrial Revolution, and was a golden age of discovery.Writing has always been my passion, and it began in grade five when I was forced to either memorize a poem each day and recite it for the class, or write a poem and read it to the class. After reciting my first poem (The Cremation of Sam McGee) and hating it, I quickly discovered I had a talent for writing poetry and wrote about every topic under the sun, from fluffy white clouds to my big toe... *shudder* But it wasn’t long before I moved on to short stories, though I still had a habit of writing sappy love poetry which I wouldn’t touch now with a ten foot pole.
Labels: Ask An Author, Ingela F. Hyatt
At 7:08 PM,
starryann2000 said…
You are right in your observations and many of those places would be interesting to visit for a short time.
If you could meet a historical figure who would it be and why?
At 4:15 PM,
Babyblue22 said…
Great Answer Ingela, Maybe you could spend a week and 2 days in each and then which ever you liked the most you could spend your last day there :-)
That way you get them all in one vacation.
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