Monday, June 08, 2009

Ask an Author Week #9: Elaine Charton

Question: What is your favorite "guilty" pleasure and why?

Elaine Charton: Spending an afternoon wandering through thrift stores. I love to look at things and wonder who owned them before and what did they do with it. Why did they give it up. 

Just when she thought she was safe... Someone is stalking Pandora Reilly, someone dark and sinister, someone who knows things only her ex-husband would know. Her dead ex-husband.

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  • At 9:46 AM, Blogger soche said…

    I love thrift stores too! I drive my husband crazy wanting to go to them.

  • At 4:08 PM, Blogger ElaineCharton said…

    I know what you mean, until I started showing him how much money I saved. :)

  • At 6:53 PM, Blogger Michele said…

    I like thrift stores, too. And yard sales!


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