Monday, May 04, 2009

Ask an Author Week #4: Terry Irene Blain

Question: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Terry Irene Blain: I’ve been fortunate enough to travel extensively thoughout the US, so I’d love to go back to the UK – to re-visit all the places we went the first time and to see all the places we didn’t see the first time.

Kentucky Green: Journeying to her childhood home of Kentucky, April Williamson allows nothing to deter her. Certainly not Dan McKenzie who’s duty bound to escort her. Dan believes the frontier of 1794 is no place for women. But in spite of their mutual attractions, a dark secret in his past means April cannot be his.

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  • At 4:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    The UK would be fun. I love the cover to your book, I lived in KY for a while and it has beautiful scenery!

  • At 10:18 AM, Blogger Terry Blain said…

    Thanks for the comment - I'll be sure to tell the cove artist.

    Agree with you about scenery in Kentucky - I love the green. I really miss that in Southern California. The hillsides are only green for a few weeks in the spring.

  • At 1:42 AM, Blogger Carol L. said…

    Hi Terry,
    The UK is filled with so much history. Hope you get to go back.Passed through Kentucky on my way to Texas and I remember all the green. I'm glad we went during summer. Your book looks like a good read. Look forward to reading it.
    Carol L.

  • At 6:16 AM, Blogger Terry Blain said…

    a lot of my ancestors lived in Kentucky, so I just pretended that this story took place down the road from where my great, great (lots of greats) grand parents lived.

    Hope you enjoy the book.


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