Monday, May 04, 2009

Ask an Author Week #4: Elizabeth L'Inconnu

Question: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Elizabeth L'Inconnu: Oh, there are so many places I would like to go. Egypt of course, for the Pyramids and to travel the Nile, Rome and Athens for the history, Paris for the art and the culture, and the South of France, Australia and the Great Outback, Stonehenge just to see what it feels like.

Victoria Powers and Adam Gentry are caught in the same trap. Regardless of the temptations Victoria wags under his nose, Adam doesn't want a mate. Victoria does not want a mate either, but with full moon coming, can they fight their attraction or will their werewolf genes win?  

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  • At 2:59 AM, Blogger Carol L. said…

    Hi Elizabeth,
    Oh I can't wait to read To Catch A Wolf. Love reaing about those werewolfs. :) I too would love to go to Stonehenge,imaging what if anything could be felt. Have agreat day.
    Carol L.

  • At 2:59 AM, Blogger Carol L. said…

    Hi Elizabeth,
    Oh I can't wait to read To Catch A Wolf. Love reaing about those werewolfs. :) I too would love to go to Stonehenge,imaging what if anything could be felt. Have agreat day.
    Carol L.

  • At 3:46 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Whooohooo Egypt! I heard that place rocks but I wouldn't know yet as I have not been there. Your book looks like a lot of fun!

  • At 10:31 AM, Blogger deb said…

    I'm with you.There are so many places I would love to see. It would be hard to decide where to go first.

  • At 6:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Carol, I hope you enjoy To Catch a Wolf. :)

    Yes, Stonehenge... would love to see it. Almost did once. Was on the bus tour and everything but everyone on it spent too much time at Salisbury Catherdral so we never made it to Stonehenge - I was incredibly disappointed. One day I hope to try again. I would imagine, if you are sensitive to certain elements and powers, it would feel amazing.

  • At 6:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    lastnerve - love your name :) I think I am down to my last one too. Have to haul it out of storage once in a while to see if it is in fact still alive! Muahhahaha...

    Egypt - yes. I would love to see the Sphinx and the Pyramids. I can only imagine at this point the energies that reside there. Suspect I would feel in total awe of their magnificence.

    Thanks. Hope you will enjoy the book. It was fun to write.

  • At 6:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Debby, there are. I would be hard pressed to make a decision if I could only go to one. Hoping that later in life, I shall get to travel to these wonderful places and really experience them. Just looking at their pictures in books instills a certain amount of awe. To see them for real would be awe inspiring.

    Humph... how about a research trip?

  • At 12:59 AM, Blogger Carol L. said…

    I forgot to leave my email address. :)
    Carol L.


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