Monday, May 04, 2009

Ask an Author Week #4: Jacquie Rogers

Question: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Jacquie Rogers: French Polynesia sounds good. It’s warm, it’s tropical. No snow. I’m really tired of snow.

I'm a former software designer, campaign manager, deli clerk, and cow milker, but always a bookworm. I've been writing fiction for nearly 10 years, and have several completed novel-length manuscripts in the western historical and futuristic romance genres. My current release is a short contemporary novel, Down Home Ever Lovin' Mule Blues (trade paperback). Before that, Faery Special Romances was released: 10 stories in 10 time periods. Royalties go to Children Tumor Foundation:

Visit Jacquie's Website 

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  • At 3:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I love your work and I insist on coming with you on your trip. If I have to I will carry the baggage!

  • At 6:25 PM, Blogger Jacquie Rogers said…

    And I'll bring the Kahlua--we'll have a great time.

    I have a friend who visited French Polynesia a few years ago and she said it was just as heavenly or even more so than advertised. I've been ready to go since.

  • At 12:22 PM, Blogger Michele said…

    I've never been to French Polynesia, but it sounds wonderful!

  • At 4:19 PM, Blogger Jacquie Rogers said…

    Michelle, it does sound wonderful. Plus, I think my friend is still in love with her tour guide on the glass-bottom boat. :)

  • At 1:18 AM, Blogger Carol L. said…

    Kahlua and French Polynesia, too good to be true. Mind another traveling buddie. I love your stories Jacquie. Look forward to your new one.
    Carol L


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