FAR Recommends A Knight of Passion...

I am excited to announce that A Knight of Passion is a Recommended Read by Fallen Angel Reviews for the month of October!
"A Knight of Passion is Ingela F. Hyatt’s debut novel and is absolutely worth reading. It has everything that makes a great historical novel; an intriguing plot, terrific characters, and the sense that you’ve been transported back in time. A Knight of Passion is a poignant tale on so many levels. The developing relationship between Reynard and Rianna makes for good reading. At times it’s humorous, painful, tender, and passionate all in one. Reynard’s awareness of Rianna is interesting. He’s vowed not to allow anything to happen between them, yet he kidnapped her and forces her to stay with him; he’s profoundly attracted to her strength and compassion for others. Rianna’s guilt at having feelings for someone other than her betrothed, or so she thinks, is obvious; but when she’s around Reynard she can’t help the emotions that all but consume her. A Knight of Passion had me up in the middle of the night, because once I started reading I just couldn’t put it down. Everything is not as it seems with this book and readers will be compelled to find out what happens next for Reynard and Rianna. Ms. Hyatt’s writing style is excellent and ensures I will be reading anything with her name on it!"
—Fallen Angel Reviews, 5 angel review, Recommended Read
It was a complete and total surprise and am thrilled by how reviewers and readers alike enjoy A Knight of Passion. Thank you Jaymi and FAR for this wonderful review: