Book Review: Blackmailed by Annmarie McKenna

When I read the blurb for Blackmailed, I knew I had to buy this one. Why you ask—could it be my weakness for menage et tois? I don't know, but my interest was piqued. This book is definitely not for the faint of heart, and will certainly keep your eyes glued to the screen. *wink*
Blackmailed by Annmarie McKenna is not just hot—it's SCORCHING! I mean I was fearful my computer was going to go into melt down at any moment. Not only are the love scenes hot, hot, hot, but the writing flows and the characterization is superb. I thought the chemistry between Cole, Brianna, and Tyler seemed very real. Each character remained individual—having their own quarks, likes and dislikes—yet as a whole, they complimented each other perfectly. But it was more than the explicit love scenes and enticing characters which clenched it for me—it was the intrigue. McKenna took a good story and made it great one with her movie style action/suspense sequences. If I was reviewing this for Historical Romance Club, I would give Blackmailed 5 out of 5 stars for the review rating and 5 roses for—it's so erotic, you'll need to find a man and quick! *wink* I guarantee you, I'll be looking out for Annmarie McKenna's future releases.
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